Thursday, October 18, 2007

Now theres the kicker!

Ok, now i'm sad.

Joe Torre won't be back as manager of the Yankees next year.

But heres the surprising part: they offered him the deal. And he chose to say no.

mrr? I mean, part of me doesn't blame him - he's treated harshly by the owner and GM and the press, has intense scrutiny on his every move...but i mean, really? $5 for one more year, with an option for another?

I think i might be a little angry, actually. If you cared so much for the team, and you love managing it, then why say no? I don't get it.

Next, mass exodus from the Yankees? A-rod, Posada, Mo...mrr.

Why do i get the feeling that they really just wanted to fire him, but were letting Torre look good and giving him his dignity by allowing him to walk away, as opposed to being led to the executioner by King George?

well now who the hell is going to be the manager?! Mrr!

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