Monday, October 15, 2007

I have thoughts, ok?

So, here's the thing. I have thoughts, and i am getting tired of steering conversations i am having with my friends around to said topics so we can discuss them. Besides, I've been out of blogging for a muy longo time, and I've been thinking about starting one up again.

Especially because I work in an office now. Looooots of free time. To read the news. And think. Oh, and another advantage of blogging my thoughts? My co-worker won't have to hear me yelling at the computer screen every half hour or so when i read something disturbing.

So there you have it. I'll probably have a flurry of posts today for the no-people who are reading this, but thats ok.

Oh, a few things....

1. I can't spell. Plain and simple. I once spelled weather as "wheather" just so i could cover my bases. But this isn't real life, its the internet. And as long as you get what i'm after, all is good in the world.

2. I might slip into other languages for a word or three. Its just how i talk normally. And more often than not, i don't speak that language fluently. So...yeah.

3. I swear to god, keep your finger away from the caps lock key. no joke. Its a useless key that should be taken off the keyboard, as its only purpose is to make you look like an idiot when chatting with someone.

4. Play nice. I mean, i won't, but you should. Do as i say, not as i do and all that...

5. As for the name...I forget who i was talking to, but thats how i described my world view: an optimistic cynic.

6. I'm sure there's more, but the coffee hasn't kicked in, so i'll put more in later.

So...yeah. Welcome.


Unknown said...

pokepoke I AM NOT A NO PERSON.

heh. like the logistic use of the capslock key?

The Nobody said...

holy cow, you have updated a lot in the time it took me to fax resumes at kinkos and back again.

hey i miss you.

Unknown said...

i loved you for spelling it "wheather"