Thursday, October 25, 2007

Something I Love About Heroes

You know, even if you dislike or don't watch the show, you have to give NBC props for its outside the show, interactive projects. The network goes out of its way to get you involved in the story line, trying to solve the mysteries, so you might be a bit more informed than the average person who watches the show.

What do I mean?

Firstly, if you go on the Heroes website, you will find a link to the "novels," which are exactly what they sound like. They are on, like, graphic novel 54 or something like that. Its updated every Tuesday morning so far this season. The novels themselves give back-stories on characters, filling in a lot of gaps. Ever wonder what Molly's nightmare is about (what she is dreaming now in her coma)? Thats the latest novel.

Remember random Israeli (i think) internet girl? From season 1, who gave Ted and Parkman the info on the injection needles? If you read the novels, you find out waaay more about her, not to mention Linderman, Mr. Patrelli...and you learn that she and Micah have become friends, currently hacking into Linderman's computer systems.

Oh yes, and it gets better. Because its more than just the novels. Characters have freaking blogs! Claire has a MySpace! Nathan has a campaign website! In the first season, Hannah helped you hack into hidden files on the Primatech Paper website!

My favorite right now, and the one that takes the cake, is if you find the link to Linderman's Casino's website. Go in, and you get messages from Micah and Hannah (the wireless girl), you see conversations they are having, and you can start to follow their hacking into Linderman's systems.

Currently, Micah is trying to find more about Hannah's family, and runs across a family tree. He then leaves a message for you to figure out (its not hard, but still), and when you do a search for the right thing, you find in the image archive a spanish. The online communities you can go to have translated. And today, theres another search for you to do, which leads to three crayon drawings (with, of course, the Godsend Kanji all over them). But we are left with a wtf? feeling and want to know more.

Over the summer, they put up the Yamagato Foundation website, which is dedicated to heroes thru the ages...and started by Kaito Nakamura, Hiro's father. So during the summer, you could learn about Takezo Kensei and get a sneak peak at what was going to happen in season 2.

I really to enjoy the interactive nature of the online stuff. It keeps me involved and liking the show even when i feel it is flagging a bit, and it makes you feel a part of it all...which is exactly one of the shows themes (I swear, if i hear Parkman tell one more person "I think its all connected" i'm going to take his own gun and shoot him).

Anyways, if you like the show and are bored waiting for the next episode, you really, really should read the stuff online.


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