Friday, October 19, 2007

Another News Feed. Because Russia hates us

I kinda like doing this every so often. News i read!

Maybe Its Because Its Cold Up There?
  • Anyone else starting to get worried about Russia? Bring back Rockie and Bullwinkle!
  • Oh, and his Russian President-ness also weighed in on that little war we got going.
Speaking of that little war....
  • Political reconciliation in Iraq? gtfo ---> because we aren't succeeding. But then again, who thought we would?
  • Turkey may strike into Kurdish Northern Iraq, and theres not much the Iraq central governement can do about it. But hey, at least they don't have to worry about Genocide.
  • On the news that Turkey may strike the oil-rich north Iraq...well, lets just say yay to the fact that i don't drive a car.
And then back home
  • We don't much care for children here. Because, you know, fiscal responsibility is so much more important and all.
  • Oh, but waterboarding? Thats nice and cheap, so thats ok! Or so says the AG nominee.
  • -facepalm- Britney...
  • LMAO! Now, i totally believe in getting rid of the second amendment, but this is just too funny. Do yourself a favor and read the headline.
Well, thats that. I'll be bored again later, and probably yell about something. most likely politics. I mean, the "Voter Values" summit is today, so i get to read about the so-called "correct" way to live my life!


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