Wednesday, October 31, 2007


RIP Robert Goulet.

You will live on forever in every college student's "Best of Will Farrell" DVDs.

Monday, October 29, 2007

A Very Merry Unbirthday to You...

Good Morning. Been a little since i've gotten to yell, mainly because they are actually giving me stuff to do at work.


Hey Baby, What's Up?
  • The one in Queens had a birthday this weekend. Happy birthday! He's now in double digits =) (i kid)
  • The one in England sent out his first e-mail update 'bout life at the big O. Twas nice to read.
  • The one in DC got/is getting her cat. Shipped. To her. ....yay for tranqualizers, because i would think that cats don't like to fly....
  • The one in Manhattan with me is probably ready to kick me.
  • The one in Vassar (aka po-town) does was to kick me, and she will have the chance when i come up there on teh 16th to see her sing. Because she got a solo. yay!
  • As for me, two plays, a job, and a boy is enough to keep you so busy you don't get to spend time with your boy, let alone your friends. So my apologies to one and all (I'm looking at you, Ben and Ali and Sasha). One of my shows goes up this weekend, and then i should have a modicrom of normalcy back.
Did i Mention i'm a Yankees Fan?
  • -sigh- yes, this happened. good for you. Now you know what its like to be a winning team.
  • See, this is just another reason that the Governator rules all others. Not that i particularly like getting high, but still...
  • war of the cable tvs? you bet....
  • Obligatory Iraq bulliten point
  • Obligatory Turkey-Iraq point.
  • Also in baseball news...what, 27 million not enough? Oh, i'm sorry, its because you're "not sure if Mo, Pettite, or Posada will be there." Sorry, my bad, i thought you were just greedy and wanted to win a world series.

I have thoughts on Huckabee, which i'll post later, if i am able.
Today's I-Ching: 58 "Joyful" going to 40 "Relief"


Thursday, October 25, 2007

Red Sox Nations? F That! Its a Colbert Nation!

You know, say what you will about Colbert's run for president ("he's just rehashing a joke that has been done by many satirists before him" "would you really want him to be your president?" "are you fucking stupid?"), there is a lot of insight to be gained from watching what happens.

First off, Colbert himself said in an interview he doesn't want to be president, he just wants to run for president.

Secondly, the effect he has had, and the news he has generated from announcing a (mock) bid. Pundits talking about his chances. Lawyers asking whether it is legal. People actually doing polls on it.

And have you checked the facebook group that got made a few hours after he announced? 1,000,000 Strong for Stephen T Colbert? Its been up for almost 8 days now....and has over 800,000 members. Did I join? yes. Is it a fad? yes. But the Barack Obama group and anti-Hillary groups on facebook have been up for months, and don't have as many (382,424 and 492,950 respectively), and they more than certainly were in style for a long time.

Do I really want him to be the President? (read: i find it interesting that the term "my President" is no longer used. Its been out of common use since Vietnam. And i find that sad) Of course i don't want him to be. But he is making a point about the extreme theatrical aspect of politics.

Take, for example, his timing. He published his book, went on a book tour, and stirred up buzz for it by appearing on talk-shows...and inevitably getting asked if he is going to run for president. Sound familiar? I'm looking at you, Obama. Its a common political balloon test. Is it a ridiculous (yet sadly effective) way to get your message out, make money, and test the waters? Like i said, sadly, yes. But thats not really the point.

After announcing his bid, Colbert went on Meet the Press. Now, Tim Russert is one of the most respected interviewers and pundits on Capitol Hill. He is considered the Man when it comes to asking politicians tough questions, debating with them, forcing them to actually, i dont' know, talk. Now, when i heard that it occured, i went online and streamed it from an archive of it. Russert decided to "play along" with his joke-persona of a guest. bad move.

There was a moment when Colbert was asked why he was running. His response was something along the lines of, because the nation is at a dynamic junction, or something. And it got a laugh, because, come on, its Colbert running for president...who actually says things like that?

But just think: If it had been Guilliani, Romney, Clinton, Obama, Edwards...any of the nominees saying that, would anyone have blinked an eye, let alone gotten a laugh? 5 bucks says Russert would have accepted that explanation and moved on to the next question. But with Colbert, because its a mock-persona, he delved deeper into what exactly Colbert meant by that, and ended up looking foolish.

Colbert did what he does best: lampooning the political machine and coaxing it into revealing just how much play-acting is involved. (i'm looking at you, every single person who reacted with indignit, righteous anger at the General "BetrayUs" ad).

And I laugh at every pundit and blog that is surprised by the interest in Colbert's run; I laugh at every blog and pundit that is shocked when they learn that there are indeed a great swath of high-school and college aged kids who get most of their news from John Stewart and Stephen Colbert. It shows the disconnect of the generation above us (the one that runs the nation, btw) and our generation...even though they are the generation that claimed the same thing in the 60's and 70's.

Its no longer "My President."

Btw, as I write this...that facebook group for Colbert? 900,151. and counting.


Something I Love About Heroes

You know, even if you dislike or don't watch the show, you have to give NBC props for its outside the show, interactive projects. The network goes out of its way to get you involved in the story line, trying to solve the mysteries, so you might be a bit more informed than the average person who watches the show.

What do I mean?

Firstly, if you go on the Heroes website, you will find a link to the "novels," which are exactly what they sound like. They are on, like, graphic novel 54 or something like that. Its updated every Tuesday morning so far this season. The novels themselves give back-stories on characters, filling in a lot of gaps. Ever wonder what Molly's nightmare is about (what she is dreaming now in her coma)? Thats the latest novel.

Remember random Israeli (i think) internet girl? From season 1, who gave Ted and Parkman the info on the injection needles? If you read the novels, you find out waaay more about her, not to mention Linderman, Mr. Patrelli...and you learn that she and Micah have become friends, currently hacking into Linderman's computer systems.

Oh yes, and it gets better. Because its more than just the novels. Characters have freaking blogs! Claire has a MySpace! Nathan has a campaign website! In the first season, Hannah helped you hack into hidden files on the Primatech Paper website!

My favorite right now, and the one that takes the cake, is if you find the link to Linderman's Casino's website. Go in, and you get messages from Micah and Hannah (the wireless girl), you see conversations they are having, and you can start to follow their hacking into Linderman's systems.

Currently, Micah is trying to find more about Hannah's family, and runs across a family tree. He then leaves a message for you to figure out (its not hard, but still), and when you do a search for the right thing, you find in the image archive a spanish. The online communities you can go to have translated. And today, theres another search for you to do, which leads to three crayon drawings (with, of course, the Godsend Kanji all over them). But we are left with a wtf? feeling and want to know more.

Over the summer, they put up the Yamagato Foundation website, which is dedicated to heroes thru the ages...and started by Kaito Nakamura, Hiro's father. So during the summer, you could learn about Takezo Kensei and get a sneak peak at what was going to happen in season 2.

I really to enjoy the interactive nature of the online stuff. It keeps me involved and liking the show even when i feel it is flagging a bit, and it makes you feel a part of it all...which is exactly one of the shows themes (I swear, if i hear Parkman tell one more person "I think its all connected" i'm going to take his own gun and shoot him).

Anyways, if you like the show and are bored waiting for the next episode, you really, really should read the stuff online.


Monday, October 22, 2007

Suggested Reading

For anyone who wants to know about Iran and any actual threat it poses, i highly suggest reading this.

What some people don't understand is that - while, yes, Iran having a nuke would be awful and terrible and all other amounts of bad things - it will never, ever, bomb Isreal. So stop telling me they will. Yes, they want them "wiped off the face of the planet," but they will never nuke them.

Mainly, because they would be killing oh, who knows how many millions of fellow Muslims. And more importantly, they would destroy what is considered to be about the 3rd holiest Islamic site.

For all the attention we pay him (i'm looking at you, Columbia, SNL, Neo-Cons, Bush...the list goes on...), President "there are no gays in Iran" Ahmadinejad does not really hold much power in Iran. Laugh in anyone's face who says otherwise.

Nonetheless, i believe it is a real possibility that we will attack Iran before Bush leaves office. Unless Turkey attacks Iraq and Russia becomes an even bigger player on the world stage than it has proven itself to be over this last year.


Saturday, October 20, 2007

thats kinda awesome

You know, it never really crossed my mind. But i think its kinda awesome. Thank you, J.K. Rowling!


Friday, October 19, 2007

Another News Feed. Because Russia hates us

I kinda like doing this every so often. News i read!

Maybe Its Because Its Cold Up There?
  • Anyone else starting to get worried about Russia? Bring back Rockie and Bullwinkle!
  • Oh, and his Russian President-ness also weighed in on that little war we got going.
Speaking of that little war....
  • Political reconciliation in Iraq? gtfo ---> because we aren't succeeding. But then again, who thought we would?
  • Turkey may strike into Kurdish Northern Iraq, and theres not much the Iraq central governement can do about it. But hey, at least they don't have to worry about Genocide.
  • On the news that Turkey may strike the oil-rich north Iraq...well, lets just say yay to the fact that i don't drive a car.
And then back home
  • We don't much care for children here. Because, you know, fiscal responsibility is so much more important and all.
  • Oh, but waterboarding? Thats nice and cheap, so thats ok! Or so says the AG nominee.
  • -facepalm- Britney...
  • LMAO! Now, i totally believe in getting rid of the second amendment, but this is just too funny. Do yourself a favor and read the headline.
Well, thats that. I'll be bored again later, and probably yell about something. most likely politics. I mean, the "Voter Values" summit is today, so i get to read about the so-called "correct" way to live my life!


Thursday, October 18, 2007

Now theres the kicker!

Ok, now i'm sad.

Joe Torre won't be back as manager of the Yankees next year.

But heres the surprising part: they offered him the deal. And he chose to say no.

mrr? I mean, part of me doesn't blame him - he's treated harshly by the owner and GM and the press, has intense scrutiny on his every move...but i mean, really? $5 for one more year, with an option for another?

I think i might be a little angry, actually. If you cared so much for the team, and you love managing it, then why say no? I don't get it.

Next, mass exodus from the Yankees? A-rod, Posada, Mo...mrr.

Why do i get the feeling that they really just wanted to fire him, but were letting Torre look good and giving him his dignity by allowing him to walk away, as opposed to being led to the executioner by King George?

well now who the hell is going to be the manager?! Mrr!

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

And i swore i was going to keep it to one post today...

Please note, this post is about last night's episode of Heroes. If you have seen it or don't care that you haven't, go right ahead.

le sigh. Another set up episode. I said was going to give this show 4 or 5 episodes to get going again. I mean, with a mammoth cast and untold number of plot lines, the fact that they came to a conclusion at the end of last season poses a very real problem for the show: it has to lay new groundwork. New plots, new characters, new baddies, new alliances, new powers, just new stuff. And that takes a while to do, when you've halted the train. Inertia, people, inertia.

But heres the thing...last night was episode 4. And while next week seems to plunge characters into actual action, tonight was...another episode of characters talking about doing things they are going to do later.

Bad news? No Hiro. Good news? No Peter! (please tell me they are fixing that amnesia thing...soon. Just turn him into the next power-obsessed person like Sylar and be done with it)

break it down!

Claire/West/Noah/Mr. Muggles

I don't so much mind where Claire's storyline is headed atm. take out the muy quesoso diologue ("i know you can heal, Claire, but i don't want to hurt you") and you have a very interesting plot: extraordinary people acting very ordinary and trying to protect one another by withholding information. Noah doesn't want to worry Claire by the fact that he might die/is doing the company thing again. Claire wants the boy and her dad, so is keeping them separate since they know each other.

Personally, i think West will end up being evil. He has that look about him, and i think it would be awesome. And personally, i liked that they went to the Hollywood sign. =)

The mcPatrelli Clan
Did i ever mention that Angela Patrelli is one of my favorite characters on this show? Seriously. Wonderful actress in a wonderful part. You know who i dislike? Parkman. And the fact that i have to rewind every time he "hears" something, because i can never understand it!!! And thank God Nathan got rid of the beard.

I am fairly certain he is being "haunted" by what he imagines Peter looked like after blowing up (ie the thing in the mirror) but thats just my guess.

I have two dads!
Ok, seriously. I don't like this storyline, at all. Even if Molly goes all schitzo every so often about the Nightmare Man, aka Mr. Parkman Snr. And the effect of the Godsend kanji on her eyes? Silly. But i do like that she is now trapped inside her own head by Parkman's father (read as: meaning he actually has to go do something!). I also liked them actually showing Molly's power in action.

On a Parkman/Patrelli cross over, the photo! I thought it was pretty awesome to get to see all the founding board members of the company for the first time. Even if Mr. Blurry Patrelli was there.

Wondertwin powers, activate! form of...nothing interesting!
Alejandro will die, Sylar will take his powers to keep Maya in check, the end. Oh, and random dude from mexico? Thats what you get for stealing Claire's car, you mofo!

From wondertwins to Wonderchild
Why exactly were we hit over the head to bluntly with Katrinia? Had it been a bit more subtle, it might have been nice. Whatevs...Monica's power is cool and fairly original. She needs to like, watch a few episodes of Walker Texas Ranger, then she could go Chuck Norris on everyone's ass. And, once again, Micah is too nice for his own good, but we love him anyways.

O'Hura? your acting ass got pwned by Sulu. Granted, its not like you've had much to do, but still...

Pet theories and things to yell about
  • There is no concrete proof that the same power is hereditary. Just 'cuz two characters can fly, doesn't mean they are related, even if Nathan gets around. In fact, we have only seen 3 parents/children have powers: The Sanders, Claire and Mommy, and now Parkman. Of those, only Parkman and dad seem to have vaugely similar powers (Parkman reads minds, and i'm guessing from what papa Parkman did to Angela and Molly, his powers are mind based as well)
  • Being a board member of the Company doesn't mean you have a power. Patrelli Snr. didn't (we're pretty sure, for all his blurriness), and its likely that Charles Deuvaulle didn't either (since his Simone, his daughter, didn't, and i would think it would be a dominant trait)
  • So Parkman divorced his wife because she was carrying another man's child. Then why did he care about them in the 5 years gone episode from season 1? yay plot holes!
  • Sylar's powers are back, since the cockroaches is, and its a symbol intrinsically tied to him
  • Parkman is going to get his ass kicked by his dad.
  • Bob's powers are more attuned to Alchemy than the Midas Touch.
  • Is anyone other than Peter ever going to have an active power?
  • New Orleans Granny has a power.
eh, there was more. Maybe when i watch it again i'll remember them =P

till then,

Because Liu Bei lost at Yi Ling

Ok, so Paul once asked me for a site that would do this, and i thought, hey, i'm bored...again. How about some news? These are just ones that caught my eye.

Everyone's favorite little war
  • -is glad he doesn't drive a car anymore-
  • Now just imagine what will happen to prices if Turkey does start hitting Iraq. Of course, Maliki is doing a heck of a job of making sure that doesn't happen.
  • Today is the 5 year anniversary of war authorization in Iraq. Here's what people are saying now.
  • This one's for you, little miss genius. Who would have known Silly String could be used in the military?
Everyone's favorite little Mid-East president
  • Oh, well if Russia says its all good, then i guess it must be, right?
Home life
  • See, this is why i have Sprint. Although i'm pretty sure that they are bastards too...
  • Larry Craig is like, um...a gift that just keeps giving.
  • Meanwhile, the eye-gouging continues on the right.
  • I love numbers....Presidential candidates have raised about $420 million and spent a little over $266 million (give or take a few hundred thousand....)
  • SCHIP has a new poster child, the (going to fail) veto override is now scheduled for Thursday (or so), and states are at a loss.
Anyways, that was fun, right? 'Cuz it was for me. =P


Monday, October 15, 2007

And just for good measure

To show i'm not all business....

Elizabeth Taylor has lost her mind.

oh, expect me to keep bringing that back up...



Yay for a thoughts post...on heavy stuff.

Armenian Genocide. Good times, huh? Pelosi is promising to bring the measure to the floor of the House for a vote. I find myself of two minds on two separate topics on this: 1. Do i want the house resolution passed? 2. Do i think it will get passed?

Question one is, i think, the easier of the two to answer, because, lets face it, i like politics, but i live in the real world. Turkey is a valuable ally in the middle east, and something like 70% of traffic into Iraq is funneled thru Turkey (i can give you the source on that, if you really want it). Its a lifeline of our supply lines to our posts in Iraq. But, come on...its a simple choice, really. Turkey will always huff and puff, but it boils down to this, and it sounds like a theme in Harry Potter:

Do you go with what is easy? Or what is right?

Voting against the resolution is easy. Its hard to lose political support over it, you get to keep Turkey as an ally, they won't shut off our ability to go thru their borders and airspace (like they did with France last year for passing a similar measure), and you don't have to do any sudden planning to fix supply lines in Iraq.

But voting for it is what is right, in my opinion. Or, as my Armo friend said "umm...its about time?" People might bluster about it not mattering, its just a word, a label, and you risk upsetting our power in the middle east blah blah blah mrr. But it is important. It is a recognition of a period of suffering that one people caused another, and it is important that we are able to look back on such times and reflect on how they effect us now, what we can learn.

Ok, that was my optimistic part. The cynic on my shoulder says "yeah right. Like humans ever learn from looking at the suffering in history." mrr.

And now for number 2. Do i think it will get passed? Like i said, of two minds. I'm no political scholar, but lord knows i spend enough time reading about it (i mean, come on. Did you look at the sites i spend my time on?). I think Dems will push for it for two reasons. A, its the morally right thing to do, and many survivors of this tragedy won't be around for much longer. And B, its a backhanded way of impeading the war in Iraq without looking like you're doing it.

The consequences, and they are very real if you look at what Turkey did to France after France passed resolution making it an offense to refer to the tragedy as anything other than a Genocide, are multiple. Firstly, we lose a key ally (read as: one of our few) in the middle east, with all that entails. Then, Turkey may go ahead and launch attacks into Kurdish northern Iraq - they are voting whether or not they should very soon - which would destabilize one of the few peaceful regions of Iraq. (and its peaceful because, lets face it, there are few Shia or Sunnis there. Yay ethnic living habits!) And we certainly don't want nothern Iraq to go all unstable on us, because its already producing problems by selling its oil contracts to Western companies (Kurdish Iraq has muy le oil fields). Messy indeed.

So, as i say, Dems will push for it, because no one looks bad for fighting for the recognition of a tragedy. Bush/GOP leadership will oppose it because its "not the right time," and it will hurt us in Iraq. But hey, at least we aren't talking about SCHIP anymore, huh?

But like i said. Do you do what is easy? Or what is right?

See, this is why i live in a city with a functioning MT


-is glad he doesn't live in LA-

People were actually considering using the LA mass transit system.

And part of me goes: "Wait...LA has a mass transit system?"

that is all.


You'd be mad to miss it

Lets start with something fun and light, hm?

I got the chance this Saturday to see Lucia di Lammermoor - by Donizetti, based off the novel by Sir Walter Scott - at the Met. Ok, so i had to stand thru a 3 and a half hour, 3-act opera, but it was soooo worth it. Like i was paying 60 bucks for a seat...besides, it was sold out. So standing room was all i could get. And it was the last chance to see the French Soprano Dessay in the title role until March. i'm waiting that long.

I've been seeing ads for this all around nyc anyways for the last month or so. You see the graphic above? Does the phrase "you'd be mad to miss it" sound in any way familiar? Then you're probably a new yorker who saw one of the ads.

Quite frankly, as an opera on the whole, it was sub-par. Or perhaps just par. In and of itself, the story was too simple, with (as Paul pointed out) characters rarely making decisions onstage, but instead reacting to something that happened offstage. It certainly didn't have the complexity of thought of, say, a Verdi or Motzart. But that wasn't the point.

The opera is classified as "canto bella" (pretty singing), because it is the score and visual nature of the show that are its selling points. The opera is famous for the so-called "Mad Scene," act III scene II (more on that in a bit).

Basically, the plot is this: Set in Scotland, Enrico is the head of the Lammermoor clan, whose forturnes are waning. To save the family, he wants his sister, Lucia, to marry some fancy powerful dude who is there for 3 seconds. Trouble is, (oh noes!) Lucia is in love with Edgardo di Ravenswood, whose clan is the sworn enemy of the Lammermoors. Not-so-long story short, Edgardo goes to france, Lucia is forced to marry fancy-dude, Edgardo returns, is sad.

Now the cool part. On her wedding night, Lucia takes a dagger to her not-so-powerful-now-huh husband, and goes crazy. In a stunningly gorgeous scene, she descends the steps into the party below, still in her wedding dress, drenched in her husbands blood. She proceeds to sing a 15 minute long sequence, going more and more insane the entire time. In a chilling moment, she removes her veil and begins to dance with it, chuckling for a moment - the veil looked ethereal and ghost like. ooo...chills.

Most people know the first part of the Mad Scene songs, they just don't know it. Ever seen the 5th Element? The first song the blue Diva Plavalaguna sings is from Lucia. Go figure, right?

In the end, she dies, Edgardo (these names kill me a little, btw) kills himself, all are sad. But, as i said the plot isn't the point. The score, basically, gives the singers free reign to go crazy-nuts. And they did...the best way i can describe it is vocal pyrotechnics. It. was. crazy. 5 minute or so ovation (in the middle of the show!) after mad-scene played out.

Of course, it also helped that it looked pretty too. Mary Zimmerman transplanted her creative team that she used in her Tony Award winning Metamorphose in 2002. Visually stunning, with such a detailed attention put to costuming and, most stunningly, the lighting. The overture was played over the changing lights on a rocky stage, and we see the sky change colors...and its not like the sky was one color to begin with, but was rather a myriad of blues and purples.

I can't even being to understand the technical skill and percision needed to sing these roles. Regular opera is hard enough, but the ability (displayed best by Ms. Dessay) to hit a dozen notes in a slide that lasts less than a second, and make each one distinct enough to be heard, but neither staccato or legato is astonishing. I don't really care if you don't like opera, you have to give them props for skill. I consider myself a fairly competent singer....but i 'aint that good. And this opera is a showcase for such skill to go crazy-go-nuts.

All in all, what it lacked in plot was more than made up for in vocal and visual stunning beauty and skill. And the Mad Scene was all it was hyped up to be, and more.

~As my friend used to say, Fine Wine

I have thoughts, ok?

So, here's the thing. I have thoughts, and i am getting tired of steering conversations i am having with my friends around to said topics so we can discuss them. Besides, I've been out of blogging for a muy longo time, and I've been thinking about starting one up again.

Especially because I work in an office now. Looooots of free time. To read the news. And think. Oh, and another advantage of blogging my thoughts? My co-worker won't have to hear me yelling at the computer screen every half hour or so when i read something disturbing.

So there you have it. I'll probably have a flurry of posts today for the no-people who are reading this, but thats ok.

Oh, a few things....

1. I can't spell. Plain and simple. I once spelled weather as "wheather" just so i could cover my bases. But this isn't real life, its the internet. And as long as you get what i'm after, all is good in the world.

2. I might slip into other languages for a word or three. Its just how i talk normally. And more often than not, i don't speak that language fluently. So...yeah.

3. I swear to god, keep your finger away from the caps lock key. no joke. Its a useless key that should be taken off the keyboard, as its only purpose is to make you look like an idiot when chatting with someone.

4. Play nice. I mean, i won't, but you should. Do as i say, not as i do and all that...

5. As for the name...I forget who i was talking to, but thats how i described my world view: an optimistic cynic.

6. I'm sure there's more, but the coffee hasn't kicked in, so i'll put more in later.

So...yeah. Welcome.