Thursday, November 15, 2007

A Thought...

just popped into my head. I'm reading a preview for tonight's democratic debate, and i'm looking at the 3 main candidates and i realize something. I would be unhappy if John Edwards was the nominee.

I may get shouted at for saying this (bite me) but i'm a Clinton supporter. Yes, she's still stuck with the Baby Boomer infighting that has defined politics since the 70's and is largely responsible for hyper-partisanship, but she's that person...on /my/ side.

There was a great quote from a retired republican senator, who has gone on to be lobbiest and all other things senators do after being a senator, but he is largly regarded as having his thumb on the pulse of politics with no reason to color what he says, since he is on neither (or both) sides. He said that Clinton would be the next President, because of 2 things she has over the other candidates: "She's smarter than them. And she's meaner than them."

I heard that, and nodded. with a smile.

But if not Clinton, then please please please Obama. He's no defined by Baby Boomer Politics, and would be the first President who would have the ability to move beyond them, into the next phase of political discourse (read: my generation's discourse). As a side note, i often wonder how my generation will act when we are in charge...what will our discourse look like? What will be the hot issues? I'm not sure, but I can't help but feel that the general apathy towards politics that the Baby Boomers' actions have left us with will make it a whole lot...calmer. Not nicer, but calmer.

Anyways, i would be quite happy with Obama being the nominee.

But Edwards? I don't know why, but i would be very unhappy were he the nominee. Maybe i just am looking for something other than more of the same: the white guy. I've read his policies, they're all, you know...good. but...i just don't want him to represent me.

And it bothers me that i can't figure out why.


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