Sunday, July 5, 2009

Ricci and Godwin's Law

ok, this is a little dated, but i felt like posting something, and this has been in my thoughts for a while.

Have you ever heard of Godwin's Law? Basically, it says that the longer an online conversation goes on, the probability of an analogy involving Hitler or the Nazi's approaches 1. It is the ultimate way to win online, hands down. If the other side makes an inappropriate or nonsensical analogy to the Nazi's/Hitler ("well you know who was a failed painter? HITLER!!"), you just claim Godwin's Law and you win. done.

I feel we need something like that in political discourse for 9/11.

When the Ricci case first came to national attention (i offer no opinion on it only because the Supreme Court has ruled on it, and i am of the opinion that once they rule....well, thats that. They've been wrong before, but lets be honest. They rule, we follow. its the way we go.) when it first came to attention, i was watching Hardball with Chris Matthews and he and his guests were discussing it. If you don't know the Ricci case, go ahead and learn something. the internet will wait patiently for you to return.

It was a good conversation, with, ya know, interesting points being made. but at the end, Chris said something to the effect of "And lets not forget that many of the guys who rushed into those buildings on September 11th were Irish." And he said it as if he was making the ultimate point in the world.

i'm sorry...what? What the hell does that add to the conversation? Say what you will about him, Chris is a pretty smart political talker. how the hell does 9/11 fit into a conversation about reverse discrimination? It was an out of left field comment that had cursury - at best - influence on the conversation.

And i think we need a Godwin's law for 9/11, so someone could have called it right there and put Chris and his ludicrous comment in his place. Done and done.

So in honor of Chris and Sarah Palin and most politicians, i propose the following:

"The longer a political discusion continues, the probability of a reference to the Troops or 9/11 approches 1."




manxxman said...

How much do you think one of the failed painters pictures would fetch in today's market.....hum.

Unknown said...

Do you have guelph insurance? Because its better to be safe than to be sorry